Sunday 2 December 2012

November Favourites

Its December already? Where did November go? When the first came around yesterday, I didn't quite believe it and I kind of wanted some of November back... although that all changed when I got to open my advent calendar  So anyway, November coming to  close means that it's time for a November favourites post. There aren't a lot of favourites here, in comparison to other beauty vloggers and bloggers, but in the future I'm going to be sure to keep a running list throughout the month rather than struggling to think of things on the last day of the month!

1) Rimmel London Vinyl Gloss
I picked this up a few months ago, In August or September, but ended up sticking it in a drawer and forgetting about it. Earlier this month I rediscovered it and have been loving it ever since, so much that I have been wearing it most days for the past couple of weeks. I never really realised how much lip product made to my made-up face before - it stops my face looking to 'top-heavy' like when I make up my eyes and then don't bother putting anything on my lips when I'm rushing out the door to college. I adore the colour - I have it in 'lovesick' - and it stays on really well, too.

2) The Body Shop Tea Tree face mask
Oh. My. God. I love this so so so so much! My mum picked this up for when she was in town a few weeks ago and I fell in love immediately. I use it once a week and every single time, it leaves my skin feeling amazing and practically glowing afterwards! I think this is probably my favourite face mask that I've ever used and I can definitely see myself repurchasing it when it runs out. In fact, I love it so much that a few days ago I went out and bought more products from The Body Shop's tea tree range. I have problematic skins and so far I feel like it's working quite well, so I'll see how it goes and hopefully I'll be able to include more things from this range in next month's favourites!

3) Burt's Bees
(prepare for some really terrible photos because I was too lazy to retake them in better lighting)
Lip balm has been an absolute saviour recently since the weather has been getting drier and much, much colder. I've been loving this one - Burt's Bees replenishing lip balm with pomegranate oil. It smells divine and I also find it works really well for going under lip gloss - namely the one that I mentioned above. So, a big thumbs up from me!

4) Brown Boots (Dorothy Perkins)
I wanted a new pair of brown boots this year as my old ones were not only getting battered, but they also killed my feet if I walked in them for any more that 10 minutes. When I walked into Dorothy Perkins and saw these babies, I just had to get them. At £55 they were a little pricey for a pair of boots that aren't real leather, but they've still held up really well and I'm definitely going to get my money's worth out of them as I have been wearing them A LOT over the past couple of months.

5) Ready Brek
And finally, a random little food favourite to throw in. I've been looking to try and eat better breakfasts than I have been recently (a pain au chocolat or a cereal bar as I run out the door, usually) - ones that are healthier and still full of energy for the day. My first thought was porridge but going to all of the effort to cook it and stuff just seemed a little too much for my rushed mornings. Then I remembered Ready Brek. I used to eat it as a kid and I figured it would make a perfect, relatively healthy and energy-packed breakfast that I can liven up by adding things like chopped fruit.

Laura xo

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