Sunday 20 January 2013

This week #1

1- Playing around with Scandal Eyes eyeliners for a blog post that I promised but still haven't written - oops!
2 - washing makeup brushes is such a chore
3 - The bag I've been pining after is finally in my life
4 - The snow completely ruined my weekend, but at least it was pretty
5 - My boys on Skype who I should be cuddling, but can't because of aforementioned snow :(
6 - Making mind maps as final improvements for my EPQ

Remember when I said there wouldn't be another long absence? Ha. Ha ha ha. Yeah, sorry about that one. January's been pretty crazy, what with me going away, having coursework to finish off and having to panic-revise for exams (never the best method, I know) and not to mention a fever that left me bed-bound for a good couple of days. But now that all of that craziness is over I think I can properly get into the swing of blogging - who  knows, you might, might, even see a few videos crop up here or there.

Laura xo

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