Sunday 27 January 2013

This week #2

1 - A real classy evening alone
2 - Take me back to Disneyland!
3 - I'm not very good at dressing appropriately for the weather
4 - I own too many unread books
5 - Working with maggots in biology, yum yum yum
6 - Hilarious (?!) Hugh Jackman jokes as drawn by Lizzie
7 - What do you mean, 'only only going away for two days'?
8 - Boyfriend and pizza, perfect Friday night in
9 - Before heading out for a Sunday carvery

Two 'this week' posts in a row wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I said "getting properly into the swing of blogging", but what a week it's been!

I have at least one post lined up for the next week, so I promise this won't happen again.

Laura xo

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