Saturday 10 November 2012


I've been interested in a few things for a while: blogging, writing and a little bit of fashion and beauty. So, having had a blogger account sitting around for god knows how long, and with a little bit of help (thanks Callum for making the header, and for the advice which I of course did not follow), I thought I'd get off my butt and get posting.

And so it's time for the dreadful 'about me' part that everyone hates yet every blog has to have, right? I'm Laura, I'm 17 and I live in the south of England. I have a wonderful boyfriend, Callum, who I'd be lost without. 

Gosh, this feels awkward already. 

I'm at sixth form (studying English Language, Biology and Chemistry - and yes, the science combo does indeed make me want to die sometimes) in my second year, meaning I've been doing all my university applications lately - I'm hoping to study English Langauge and Linguistics. Ah, growing up is scary! I do this thing called drum corps which I'm not going to try and explain so google it, but if you do know what it is I currently march with the Black Knights here in the UK.

So this blog will my a bit of a mix: little snippets of my life, outfits, reviews, that sort of thing. I'm not one for photography with a fancy camera, or going on spiels about things for paragraphs and paragraphs, so this'll be pretty basic - just me and my thoughts and maybe a couple of shitty pictures. Or, at least, that's what I'm saying now - almost undoubtedly this will fall into the graveyard of started and never-kept-up blogs, but we'll see I guess! 

I also have a youtube channel also entitled 'fashionobble' - currently empty of videos, but I've been thinking about maybe getting it going, so I'll let you know how that goes!

EDIT: Lizzie said this blog post lacks in Kanye West. Don't ask. This ones for you, Lizzie. I mean, Kanye.

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