Wednesday 30 January 2013

Reviews: Apocalips and Lash Accelerator Endless

Whaaat? She's uploading a post on a WEDNESDAY? What is this madness?

Yes that's right, the time for slacking is over and it's time to starting posting more than one post a week/month/eternity. I was actually going to post yesterday but it got lost in all the excitement of the fact that I FINALLY PASSED MY DRIVING TEST EEEEK! But  enough excuses, let's get right into it.

Anyone who knows me know that I am a big Rimmel London fan - they are pretty much my favourite high street makeup brand, and, being a 17 year old who can rarely afford high-end makeup, it dominates my makeup collection. So, when I found out about these two releases I couldn't wait to get my hands on them.

The first of these is their new mascara, the Lash Accelerator Endless, (I think?) a new version of their Lash Accelerator mascara.

Straight to the point: I love this mascara and it has quickly become my go-to in my every day makeup. This is because it adds a lot a of length, separation and colour without adding too much volume, which is exactly what I like for a simple daily makeup look.

It contains a growth complex and adds fibers to your lashes with explains the length factor.

As I said, I'm absolutely loving this and have been reaching for it every day since I bought it!

Next, onto the new Apocalips Lip Laquers, also by Rimmel London. I picked up two shades, Nova and Luna.

These products are what I can only describe as a 'lipstick in lipgloss form'. They have the pigmentation and lasting power of lipstick, but gloss and application method of a lipgloss, which I thought was absolutely brilliant.

These have a lot of pros from me: The colour payoff is great, as is the texture, and the product stays on my lips for the whole day. The lasting power is so great, in fact, that even the beloved Bioderma struggles with it! The cons, however, stem from the colours I picked out.

Nova is a an extremely bright, almost baby-pink colour and I'm just not sure if it suits me at all. I think I'll be stashing it away for the rest of the winter and trying it out again in the Spring and Summer when it may be more suitable.

I was shocked by how vividly orange Luna turned out once it was applied on my lips, however with some experimenting and blotting I've been able to get it to apply as a gorgeous peachy nude colour which has actually been working well for an everyday sort of look.

I'll definitely be picking up a couple more shade of this - I have my eye on Celstial, a lovely pink, and the nude colour Eclipse, which would be perfect for daily wear. I might even take the plunge and go for Big Bang, a shocking red.

Let me know what you think of these products if you've tried them!

Laura xo

Sunday 27 January 2013

This week #2

1 - A real classy evening alone
2 - Take me back to Disneyland!
3 - I'm not very good at dressing appropriately for the weather
4 - I own too many unread books
5 - Working with maggots in biology, yum yum yum
6 - Hilarious (?!) Hugh Jackman jokes as drawn by Lizzie
7 - What do you mean, 'only only going away for two days'?
8 - Boyfriend and pizza, perfect Friday night in
9 - Before heading out for a Sunday carvery

Two 'this week' posts in a row wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I said "getting properly into the swing of blogging", but what a week it's been!

I have at least one post lined up for the next week, so I promise this won't happen again.

Laura xo

Sunday 20 January 2013

This week #1

1- Playing around with Scandal Eyes eyeliners for a blog post that I promised but still haven't written - oops!
2 - washing makeup brushes is such a chore
3 - The bag I've been pining after is finally in my life
4 - The snow completely ruined my weekend, but at least it was pretty
5 - My boys on Skype who I should be cuddling, but can't because of aforementioned snow :(
6 - Making mind maps as final improvements for my EPQ

Remember when I said there wouldn't be another long absence? Ha. Ha ha ha. Yeah, sorry about that one. January's been pretty crazy, what with me going away, having coursework to finish off and having to panic-revise for exams (never the best method, I know) and not to mention a fever that left me bed-bound for a good couple of days. But now that all of that craziness is over I think I can properly get into the swing of blogging - who  knows, you might, might, even see a few videos crop up here or there.

Laura xo